5 Steps to Magnetize A Life You Love 

From Your Desk

Are you feeling unfulfilled at your job?

Are you lacking a sense of purpose?

Dreading going to work every day?

Just a few years ago, I was there. I felt like time was ticking away without anything to show for it. Like I was running in circles on a hamster wheel, never really getting anywhere. I wish I knew then what I know now.

That I could turn it around and transform my entire life…from my desk.

That I didn’t even need to leave my job to create a big shift in my life. All I needed to do was to change my perception, transform my mind and learn how to make it a magnetic mind drawing in what I truly wanted.

You too can magnetize a life you love with just 5 simple steps.

Access this free download and learn the 5 steps to come into the fulfilled, driven by purpose, happy and true you.

Meet Superconscious Creator, Michael Chorvat

In my late 20s, I was living the rockstar dream. As a singer, songwriter, and music producer, I toured with renowned bands and basked in the limelight of a record deal. But as quickly as the dream came to life, it crumbled. I lost the deal, the dream, and in a heartbreaking twist, my dear mom. 

The universe wasn't done testing me. Chronic back pain became a constant in my life, and just when I thought I'd reached my lowest point, my engagement broke off. The pain, both physical and emotional, led to moments of despair, loneliness, and questioning my purpose. I faced more setbacks, from family health scares to financial upheavals, pushing me further into the abyss.

But then, my life's trajectory shifted dramatically.I stumbled upon a mind-blowing process called Superconscious Recode, a beacon of hope that pulled me from the depths of my suffering. This transformative process not only dramatically improved my pain it also reignited my power as a creator. Within months, I found love, birthed a thriving business, ignited the "Be the Light in the Dark" movement, and returned to my musical roots to inspire many.

Now, I'm on a mission: to share the transformative power of the Superconscious Recode. My journey from rockstar to Recode Coach has taught me one vital truth - no matter the hardships, you have the power to reshape your destiny. Dive into this journey with me, redefine your narrative, and manifest the life you've always envisioned.


The Silent Strains of a Desk Job

Stress isn’t always loud. It can be that sinking feeling on Sunday nights, or that overwhelmed feeling that hits before you check your email every morning. The rhythm of a desk job can pick away at both our physical and mental health, filling us with stress, and doubts, and making us feel lacking in purpose and fulfillment.

By integrating the 5 Steps to Magnetize A Life You Love from Your Desk, you can easily shift these silent barriers into creating a workspace that promotes both peace and purpose.

What is it you truly want out of your career?

Is it a promotion, a raise, more work-life balance, or possibly a total career pivot? Learn how to define clear and authentic objectives that mirror what you genuinely want to achieve in life, and then create a path for successfully calling it in.

Ensure that what you choose moving forward truly resonates with your core objectives. Let go of the fear of making mistakes, and let your dreams pull forward with purposeful action.

Are you feeling stuck in your job?

Like you’re not getting anywhere, and that there must be something better out there? Learn how to build a strong foundation and how the proper structure can help you thrive in any environment. Don’t let the way you’ve always done things keep you stagnant. There’s a new you that is ready to emerge.

Do you feel emotionally connected to your true goals?

Are you able to visualize and connect with the end result that you want? Learn how to harness the emotions of your intended outcome, and allow them to be a driving force, inspiration and a motivator in pushing you forward in aligning with your goals.

Are you facing resistance or stubborn mindsets from those around you? Struggling to create a healthy work-life balance and boundaries?

Recode, reset and reframe by letting go of outdated routines, beliefs, thoughts and perceptions. Move forward and embrace fresh new habits and perspectives, allowing you to play full out while having fun both in and out of your professional environment.

Ready to transform and take action with a redefined purpose?

The Problem Vs. The Solution

For years, you’ve aimed for a goal and it still eludes you.

You can begin to unlock the transformative power of creation alchemy and use these 5 steps for a profound shift in mindset, identity, and overall well-being.

Common Missteps Along the Way and Why Your Life Has Remained the Same:

  • Fixating on the present (the way things are)

  • Fixating on the past (the way things have been)

  • Overloading on strategies (how you’re going to get there)

  • Expecting new results from Surface-Level adjustments

  • Creating goals that are not aligned with your core values

  • Doubting your capacity to evolve

  • Thinking you have to do it all by yourself and burning out.

  • Taking actions that are not aligned with your true objective

  • Giving most of your valuable time away to others.

  • Trying to constantly fix yourself and fix what’s wrong.

  • Thinking your life will be “better when I have…”

Get unstuck.



Turn away from old habits, beliefs, and feelings that you don’t want, and turn toward new ones that inspire the true reality you desire. 

Embark on a journey of true transformation.